Easy Chicken Enchiladas 

Hey y’all! I know it’s been awhile since I’ve done a food post so I decided to share this easy dinner recipe! In no way is this an authentic Enchilada recipe, but it’s yummy and easy! 

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 2 lbs chicken tenders
  • Shredded cheese of your liking 
  • Corn tortillas 
  • Green or red salsa 1 cup

First, I made sure to get any fat off the chicken. In a large pan pour half a cup of the salsa and add the chicken. Let the chicken cook in the pan with the salsa on both sides for 5 minutes on medium heat with the lid on. Once all the chicken is done cooking, shred it in a large bowl. When you’re done shredding, place a medium amount of chicken into tortillas then roll up and place into a medium deep baking dish. Repeat until the dish is filled. Then pour the desired amount of your salsa over the tortillas and then cover with cheese. Lastly, place in oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes until cheese is melted. Then enjoy! 

Pair this with some rice and beans and you’re set! The only time-consuming part is the shredding, the rest is easy. I hope y’all enjoy this and have a great weekend!

Xo, Natasha.